I frequently get phone calls from sleep deprived parents asking for my help, explaining the routine they are currently using and what they would like to achieve with the new routine and then they add…. “But, I don’t want any crying…my husband and I don’t cope with it”.
I completely understand this request and my aim is to empower the parents with the skills to improve their baby/toddlers routine without any crying or distress and sometimes this happens at the first sleep but sometimes this isn’t possible. In the case of the newborn baby up to age of about 3 months we are often ‘fine-tuning’ the routine with efficient uptimes, downtimes and the bedroom environment and they basically look at us and say “thank goodness someone knew what I needed!” and go to sleep without a murmur.
In other cases the baby needs a few days to settle into the new routine, respond to the new cues and learn to self-settle in their own bed. We need to remember that baby is intelligent and has only responded to the regular cues and routines that you have initiated since birth. What you have been doing was ‘working’ for everyone until now and while we have valid reasons for changing the routine baby doesn’t know we are going to change anything and so sometimes they are going to protest!
Case study: Baby around 4-6 weeks old.
Presents as very unsettled during the day and night, 20-45 minute day sleeps, often will only sleep on mum’s chest or in someone’s arms, in sling or in bed with mum and dad. Refuses to sleep in the cot/bassinette, mum feels stuck at home because baby will not sleep in stroller either. Baby isn’t feeding very well, fussing a lot and is particularly unsettled after feeds, will usually feed best when going to sleep. Mum and dad suspect reflux or colic. Parents have tried the dummy with limited success, baby is wrapped for all sleeps but gets out of it frequently.
Goals for baby:
Relaxed feeds, enjoys playtime, provides obvious tried signs, appreciates cues for sleep, calm going into bed and self-settles to sleep. Enjoys personal sleep requirement and wakes happy and hungry for the next feed and ready to play again……
We look at the bedroom environment, make the feeding and playtime more efficient, remove the props that prevent self-settling, identify baby’s tired signs and when baby is ready for bed, fine tune the wrapping technique and provide baby with some new cues for sleep.
Potential Outcomes:
*Once in bed baby may start to whinge/talk on and off like a ‘rollercoaster’ for a few minutes. A whinge is noise that you feel comfortable with and sound like they are self-settling, mum and dad feel happy to stay outside the room because baby isn’t upset and the whinging is getting progressively quieter. A short time later baby is quiet and asleep. Baby ends up sleeping for 2 hours without waking because they are comfortable and their environment is encouraging a restful sleep.
*Once in bed baby recognizes instantly that the going to sleep environment is different and starts to cry and protest asking for the usual routine to go to sleep. This is completely normal for baby to cry and ask for help, they don’t know how to do it themselves and have been relying on you for help. The aim is for baby to self settle so we cannot afford to be putting baby to sleep, we need to just get them calm and show them they can put themselves to sleep. The baby that requires help with the self-settling will usually wake at the 40-45 minute mark and require some more settling from mum and dad to go back to sleep and for another 40-45 minute sleep cycle. Over approximately a week, with consistency and persistency from mum and dad baby will learn how to self-settle without our help. The ability to self-settle will enable baby to sleep through the night when they are developmentally ready to do so.
Case Study: 9 month old.
Presents as enjoying milk feeds, usually feeding to sleep. Has started solids but not always eating well. Mainly fruits and vegetables, cereals and pasta, rice. Rolling on the floor, not crawling yet, but standing up in the lounge room and in the cot. Has started whinging on the floor so has been offered extra time in swings, walkers, jolly jumper or is being carried around a lot. Getting out of wrap in bed and standing up in cot. Starts off going to sleep in own cot but wakes frequently screaming at mum and dad until dummy is given back, given a feed or brought into their bed. If sleeps in the cot all night is awake at 5-6am and wanting to get up and start the day.
Goals for baby:
Baby enjoys family meals with finger food in high chair, has an appropriate amount of milk feeds for age, is crawling and exploring the house earning a great sleep, self settles to sleep in the cot, sleeps soundly all night and wakes around 7am for breakfast..
Look at the bedroom environment, encourage appropriate floor play. Increase the amount of protein in the diet and discuss mutually agreeable time for milk feeds. Introduce a sleeping bag, Encourage self-settling in the cot without the dummy, discourage coming into mum and dads bed, reduce the ‘rewards for waking’.
Once in bed baby will protest cry or even scream. After 9 months of previous habits and bedtime routines everything has changed and baby is not happy, they know exactly what they want! It’s very important to acknowledge this and provide ‘hands-on’ reassurance with baby, along with consistency and persistency. Baby is relying on your consistency and persistency to ‘believe’ that the routine has changed at sleep time and is not returning to the old one.
If new routines have been tried unsuccessfully for a few days and returned back to old habits baby will scream every time something new is tried, because screaming at you got you to change back last time! It is also important to be consistent with day and night sleeps and not confuse baby with different routines. We are not hurting baby, just changing the rules and the only way baby knows how to communicate this with you is to cry or scream, whatever usually gets them what they want. Older toddlers can just say “I want my dummy back!” or “I don’t want to go to sleep!” but your baby cannot say these things.
I want Mum and dad to respond to baby whenever baby is upset and provide ‘hands-on’ settling until baby is calm. Then they need to learn to listen to interpret the whinging or self-settling comfortable noises when baby is not upset. On average baby will take on average 30 minutes to self-settle to sleep the first time and usually require some re-settling at the 40-45 minute mark in the first 3-7 days until the baby learns to do it themselves.
When baby learns to self-settle to sleep, they will be able to self-settle back to sleep in the day and the night! With each day mum and dad will gain confidence and will see baby taking less time to self-settle to sleep and delight in the sleeps getting longer.
Tip: Every baby is an intelligent little human being. We need to respect this and not expect them to roll over and agree to go to sleep using a new routine the first time with crying or protesting! We need to gently reassure them and help them feel comfortable going to sleep.
(C) 2008 Natalie Ebrill All rights Reserved Worldwide.
Natalie Ebrill
Baby Sleep Consultant 0-5 years, mother of three.
I understand you want to find a gentle solution to your baby’s sleeping problem that allows you to respond to your baby and start it today. But you’ve tried so many other strategies and read all of the books and you don’t know who or what to believe anymore. You just want feel confident about your baby’s routine and reduce the crying more than anything else, and that’s okay! I wan
Demographers defined “baby boom” as a rise in the number of births that began in 1946, just after the Second World War, reached a climax in 1957, and declined only in 1964. The enhanced economy is believed to be responsible for the rapid rise in the number of births during these years. Many people use the word “generation” with reference to this phenomemon, but demographers use the word “cohort,” which means a group of people experiencing similar events within a specific time frame. The social changes of the times have a great impact on the lives of baby boomers.
Baby boomers are classified into two categories–early boomers who were born between 1946 and 1955 and late boomers who were born between 1956 and 1964. The last of the late boomers arrived when the Beatles were on their first tour in America and when the early boomers were around 18 years of age. Baby boomers are worth noting because of their large numbers. They literally filled educational institutions and labor markets.
Economic and Social Changes
According to studies, societal impacts have played a great role in shaping the characters of baby boomers, which, in turn, have reshaped the society. Baby boomers think differently. Due to their large numbers, their thoughts and beliefs dominated almost everything in society.
There is a great difference in the economic status of early and late boomers. The energetic job market and rise in economy enjoyed by the early boomers gave rise to a need for economic adjustment on the part of late boomers. This was basically due to the rapid growth of service sectors, instability in employment opportunities for the middle classes, changes in locations for workers, and adjustments in the career market.
Many baby boomers felt that economic security was elusive. Studies on the baby boomer generation revealed several differences among the incomes of Hispanic, Asian, African-American, and white Americans. For example, the black baby boomers were considered to be inferior to the whites, although all the baby boomers did extremely well in school.
Baby boomers were impacted by the ways in which society changed after the post war years. Ideas about gender, family, and sexuality underwent a great change. Concepts such parenthood, aging, retirement, labor, and so on were redefined. Even when they were old, baby boomers preferred to be active and involved. Many remained in the workforce to support their families.
Stereotype and Conservation Boomers
Both stereotype as well as conservative baby boomers such as Seth Grossman created a number of changes in society. The stereotype baby boomers protested on the streets while the conservative baby boomers protested through leaflets, student magazines, and public forums. Their activities might not have attracted public attention; however they achieved great success when they brought into force a referendum that caused the Duke students to withdraw from the National Student Association.
Conservative baby boomers might not match the usual image of a baby boomer, yet they comprise a powerful force in society. They did not make it to the headlines of the newspapers because they quietly attended class when the rest of their classmates were participating in a boycott. But in 1968, they were the ones who supported conservatives such as George Wallace.
About a third of the baby boomers served in the Vietnam war. A number of other boomers achieved a lot of success in a variety of other fields. Joyce Johnson, an African-American stereotype baby boomer, was famous as an activist in her college days. In Duke School, she fought for the good of her race. She was very much involved in the activities on the Duke Campus in the sixties. Johnson and Grossman contributed a great change in the society.
It is very important to understand baby boomers, especially since they are now advanced in years. They have had a profound impact on the economy of the country. Baby boomers have not only reshaped society, but have also had an impact on a number of people beside themselves.
The term “baby boomer” refers to a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. According to the U. S. census of 2000, there are around 83 million baby boomers. Now, the baby boomers are between the ages of 42 and 60, a fact indicating the exit of baby boomers from America’s workforce.
The generation of baby boomers has sprung from a period of economic prosperity and the joy of the post Second World War years. Perhaps due to the times in which they were born, they have not just reshaped the culture of their country, but also redefined themselves.
Baby boomers have attracted a lot of attention due to their distinct features and outlook on life. They belong to an affluent generation that has had a major impact on the U. S. economy.
What Do Baby Boomers Feel about Retirement?
A large number of surveys and studies have been conducted on baby boomers. The following facts were brought to light by a special investigation conducted to determine the baby boomers’ views on retirement.
Baby boomers are looking forward to retirement because it will give them an opportunity to focus on family life and pursue their hobbies and interests. For many of them, retirement is a golden opportunity to pursue another career more suitable to their age and taste.
Baby boomers aim at both professional and personal fulfillment, due to which they focus a lot on preparing and planning for their future. Social security means a lot to them because they utilize to the full the benefits of life and health plans.
Baby boomers are optimistic with a conservative outlook on money and financial matters.
Baby boomers became more successful at the finanical level than their parents. Compared to their parents, they are more likely to work even during their leisure days.
Baby Boomer Impact on U. S. Economy
U. S. economy soared when the baby boomers made their entry into the American workforce. They constituted the major source of labor. Their retirement from the workforce will naturally have a major impact on the country’s economy.
The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics fortells an acute shortage of labor that has to be given immediate attention. This labor shortage is believed to have an adverse effect on the country’s economy.
When baby boomers entered the workforce of American the economy grew at a rate faster than the growth of its population. When the baby boomers retire from the workforce, the growth of American labor force will be much slower, and it will be more difficult to maintain a flourishing economy.
Solutions to America’s Labor Problem
The only way for the United States to save its economy is to persuade its current workforce of baby boomers to continue working for a long time. To encourage baby boomers to retire late, companies and organizations can use the following methods:
Raise the retirement age of those who receive social security pension to 67.
With over 77 million baby boomers comprising approximately 28% of the U.S. population, this generation represents an enormous potential for volunteers. Aside from being the largest demographic in terms of numbers, baby boomers also represent the highest volunteer rate of any generational age group. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the volunteer rate for baby boomers is 33.2% – more than four percentage points above the national average of 28.8%. Even as baby boomers approach retirement, their desire to contribute to their communities does not waver. In fact, upon leaving the workforce, many boomers will look for meaningful volunteer opportunities as a way to stay active, utilize their skills, and interact with others. With the eldest of this generation just now reaching retirement age, more and more boomers may soon be looking to leave their old jobs behind and devote more time to supporting a cause that they are passionate about. While this is all great news for nonprofits, attracting boomer volunteers to your organization can sometimes be tricky. With the many different volunteer opportunities that exist today, your organization may have to work extra hard to make your cause stand out among the rest. When developing a marketing campaign targeting the boomer audience, there are some important things to keep in mind that may help your recruitment efforts. In this article, we’ll explore some of these key areas of focus and discuss several recommendations for recruiting baby boomer volunteers.
What Motivates Boomers to Volunteer? Before we dive deeper into the discussion of ways to attract baby boomers to your organization, we must first understand why they volunteer. According to the Harvard study, Reinventing Age, baby boomers are more likely to volunteer as part of a social interaction rather than of out of a sense of duty or obligation. Furthermore, when selecting volunteer opportunities, boomers tend to look for those where their personal and professional skills and abilities can be put to good use. Many of these individuals are well-educated, highly skilled executives and entrepreneurs who prefer the challenge of a leadership role. Menial tasks such as stuffing envelopes or organizing files simply will not cut it. In order to keep boomers engaged, volunteer managers must resist the temptation to fill unskilled or lower-level positions with volunteers who are eager to contribute at a higher level. Take the time to fully evaluate the skills and interests of your volunteers and correctly match them with corresponding duty positions. Providing a meaningful and challenging experience is crucial to attracting and keeping baby boomers involved. Furthermore, research indicates that boomers are not motivated by recognition based upon number of hours served. Rather, their satisfaction comes from knowing that their efforts have positively impacted the organization or cause and made a difference. For this generation, the quality of service greatly outweighs the quantity aspect.
Rethinking Volunteer Management – Tips for Attracting and Retaining Baby Boomer Volunteers. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an American turns 50 every 7.5 seconds – approximately 10,000 people every day. By 2015, those above the age of 50 will make up 45% of the American population. Keeping these statistics in mind, it’s easy to understand why nonprofits are beginning to reconsider recruitment strategies to more effectively target the baby boomer generation. For organizations looking to attract boomer volunteers, there are some important things to keep in mind to ensure your volunteer environment appeals to the needs of this generation. Offered below are some key recommendations for attracting and retaining baby boomer volunteers.
Provide a Meaningful Volunteer Experience. Baby boomers will seek out organizations where they can use their skills and know-how to positively impact society. In order to keep them engaged, boomers must be assigned to higher level volunteer positions where they are continuously challenged. Some organizations are even beginning to place baby boomer volunteers in key areas such as strategic planning, program development, information technology, and training/education.
View Them As Coworkers. Boomers, especially those coming from the corporate world, are comfortable in leadership roles and not afraid to share their opinion when the opportunity presents itself. Instead of just telling them what to do, ask for their input, as you would any of your coworkers. Establishing a professional working relationship with boomers can result in a win-win situation for both the nonprofit and the individual volunteer.
Offer Different Levels of Time Commitment. Remember, boomers are busy people. By offering different lengths of time commitment, volunteers can choose the ones that best fit into their busy schedules. Some may want to volunteer on a regular basis, while others may prefer to take part in a one-time project. Likewise, consider offering family volunteer opportunities that allow them make a difference and, at the same time, spend valuable time with family.
Be Mindful of Your Marketing Materials. Baby boomers don’t see themselves as “aging”. Likewise, most don’t plan on slowing down upon retirement. Rather, boomers view retirement as a time to pursue new interests and do things they never before had time for. Therefore, promotional materials should include images of baby boomers participating in new, unexpected opportunities. Carefully craft your marketing message so that it tells your story and also indicates what the volunteer will get out of the experience.
Train, Organize, and Manage Volunteers. Baby boomers need to see that their time and talents are being used effectively and efficiently. If your volunteer program is unorganized or lacks leadership, you will struggle to retain boomer volunteers. Before attempting to recruit baby boomers, make sure you have a strategic plan in place to handle the increase in potential volunteers. Many organizations turn to online volunteer management systems to help with the scheduling, organization, and management of volunteers. Likewise, nonprofits should also provide meaningful training opportunities for boomers to help them reach their full potential as a volunteers.
Reach Boomers Through Religious Entities. According to the 2011 Volunteering in America Study, boomers typically volunteer through religious organizations. The study points out that in 2010, approximately 40% of boomer volunteerism was affiliated with a church or other religious entity. Keeping these stats in mind, maybe it’s time explore the possibility of reaching out to religious groups to take advantage of their influence on the baby boomer demographic.
Krista Balbach is the Communications Manager for VolunteerHub, a product from Carr Engineering. VolunteerHub is a cloud-based platform, designed to help nonprofits schedule, register, track, and recruit volunteers. With over 1 million event registrations managed, VolunteerHub is a leading volunteer management software. To learn more about VolunteerHub, visit the product’s we